Thursday, March 12, 2020

Self Care is the best care: Google: p2pgarden

De-centre is the self trust

--->Key words: COVID-19 80s, CARE CENTRE<---

The only death of Covid-19 is that man in his 80s has died after contracting COVID-19 at B.C.'s Lynn Valley Care Centre.

If the 80s year old man lived at him own home or with relatives, there is less chance contracting COVID-19. If he isolated with Covid-19, he may not die because most death caused by aura stresses to separate their soul with their body.

Aura is balanced virus ecosystem which protect living creatures. The earth has a rainbow aura. The outer layer of atmosphere is blue so we can see the blue sky with sunshine and rainbow after raining. Without it special aura, the earth will be death planet as the moon.

Humans aura works the same way as the earth. But the GDP products destroy humans aura from soap, tooth-path to vaccine.

1. Soap

Scientists Discover That Antimicrobial Wipes and Soaps May Be Making You (and Society) Sick

2. Toothpaste. The virus ecosystem in humans mouth is damaged by toothpaste killing the ecosystem. You teeth is an-naturally white, but you have heart burn and gassy stomach because you lack virus to help you digestion food. I put 2 spools salt in a cup of water to brush my teeth and use vinegar to gargle my month everyday.

3. Vaccine. Vaccine is man made virus to interference Immune system. It jams your nature immune system by Artificial agent. The efficacy against the influenza A virus was 72 percent and for the inactivated was 29 percent with a relative efficacy of 60 percent. Every vaccine make some people feel sick, due to the interference. I refuse to vaccine.

This is no vaccine for Covid-19 virus, that is why Canadian health authority tell people stay home, take care yourself or De-centre is the self trust. This works so far. 

Money can not save anybody from the Covid-19.  As the same day he print more more (one billions) to fight the virus, On March 11, 2020 Justin Trudeau self-isolated in Ottawa after his wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, began exhibiting flu-like symptoms.

I believe, if the Covid-19 is man made, it will only last 6 month the most. 

Catch your dream bed or good.

Google: p2pgarden

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Monday, February 24, 2020

gifted MALL - Action without DONATION -> How to help and get help a homeless <-

gifted MALL - Action without DONATION
-> How to help & got helped from a homeless <-

Part II: MeMe shiny

In DNA, god, you and i/爱 are the same vibe, but mi meme shine like a star stimgergically. i/爱 am strong, smart and spiritual, so i/爱 can make the earth flat or round as/ i爱 liked; i can let you feel stupid with my web --->>> <<<---; i/爱 can let you be a banker to feel vibrations of movement of BITCOIN.

First, let i/爱 show you how to make the earth flat. I DO NOT TELL U THE EARTH IS FLAT, I SHOW U HOW TO MAKE IT flat.

Do you know compass? what do you use for? you answer "Tell directions. " but if the earth is a sphere, your compass can't tell you directions.

The earth is flat just like my hand put together in my photo above this article. my finger tips are Himalaya mountain, my wrists are Rocky mountain, my thumbs are north pole, the other sides are south pole, my dorsum of the left hand includes Atlantic ocean and my dorsum of the right hand includes Pacific ocean. If you take airplane go Hong Kong from Toronto, your airplane will make a U-turn: first take your toward north pole, then west, finally south to Hong Kong. If the earth is a sphere, the pilot of your airplane is a stupid person who make the U-turn.

Give me billions and billions years, i/爱 i will show you how i/爱make the earth flat. The earth core is soft as yogurt and her surface covered by 71% water. To make her flat,i/爱 made her self rotating and moving around the sun. These movements make oceans shifted and Himalaya is growing taller and taller any second. One day i/爱 will spine off the Himalaya from the earth like i/爱 did for the moon. This time, the Himalaya moon is going to be another earth with all kind of living creatures.

Second, let me make you feel stupid. "Stupid Mississauga Taxpayers: You paid $44.99 plus tax per Video DV in 2019!" . Check for real.

Third, i/爱 learned this from who blamed for by some politicians of USA.

Let me make your rich as a banker by telling the price movement of  Bitcoin. The movement go up like a rocket, and down like rock so if 爱/i let you feel the vibe of Bitcoin movement, you can be rich as a banker. Jesse's secret is "never lose money". I applied his secret with my ---<<< google: p2pgarden bitcoin $222 >>>---.

You must only risk $222 dollars before your can feel the vibe. First buy $2 worth of Bitcoin. Wait your Bitcoin worth $4, buy $20 worth of Bitcoin more. You bitcoin will worth $24. Wait again, until your bitcoin double to $48, buy $200 worth of Bitcoin more. your bitcoin will worth $248. During this practices you must keep $222 or more cash or bitcoin. You may feel the vibe.

If you first $2 worth of bitcoin almost become $0, you can start shot it.

Today price 1 bitcoin = $9712.49 USD

DO NOT trust me, trust your feeling. Do not read news about Bitcoin, most of them are fool people.


 i/爱 feeling yesterday, today and tomorrow:

Yesterday has started with an email. The tech behind it - the internet transferred information system for humans.

Today started with a bitcoin. The tech behind it - the block-chain is transferring our governance system.

Tomorrow will be GAO, my last name, Gifted Asset Offering. Everyone is gifted by our Mother Nature but the plutocracy or GDP system working against our Mother Nature for more then 10  thousands years. Everyone has 3 powers: energy muscle, synergy brain and stigmergy dream.

But the GDP system has programmed most people into drones which only use muscle and brain from Santa Claus to your funerals. You can not use your stigmergy/dream power. Please be your own banker by playing bitcoin to know how to use the tech of block-chain. And help me to get rid banks. I liked everyone will be self banker with block-chain.

Have fun, nothing wrong.

Google: p2pgarden.

Continuing --->>>